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AI for the digital transformation of local administrations: challenges and opportunities

AI for the digital transformation of local administrations: challenges and opportunities - Image

How can we effectively use AI to manage the territory and the administrative processes? 

What tools can be used to improve supervision and risk management? 

What are the necessary competences, and which ethical implication should be taken into consideration?

The event “AI for the digital transformation of local administrations: challenges and opportunities”, the second appointment organized by Cerchio ICT and held on November 29th 2023 in hybrid mode (which means both in “physical sites” in the cities where the four in-house societies that signed the agreement - Lepida in Bologna, Informatica Alto Adige in Bolzano, Pasubio Tecnologia in Schio and Trentino Digitale in Trento- and in full live streaming) , attempted to provide an answer to these and numerous other questions that accompany the newborn relationship between the Public Administration and these new technologies.

Under the facilitation of Raffaele Barberio, Key4biz Director, and after the institutional greeting representing the territories where the four in-house societies act (including that of the Emilia-Romagna Assessor Paola Salomoni), the day was set off by a speech of Gianluca Lanzolla regarding the Artificial Intelligence governance. 

The event than has proceeded with the two panel “Territory management: monitoring and governance” and “Better services: automatization of procedures”, which saw the confrontation of qualified relators, including Elena Bellodi (associated professor at the UNIFE Engineering Department) and Riccardo Rovatti (Director of the Electrical Energy and Information Engineering Department) for Bologna.

The afternoon session opened with a panel held simultaneously between Bologna (Davide Gheller, Mauro Pellicioli, Bianca Frigerio, Gianluca Ortolani, Giovacchino Tesi and Daniele Tommasi, “AI employment for software development for Public Administration”), Bolzano (“AI illustrative examples in and for Alto Adige”), Schio (“The AI employment in Public Administration- Governance and use cases”) and Trento (“The AI strategies in Trentino”), with the opportunity for online participants to follow the streaming direct of a different site.

Finally, the last afternoon panel focused on the “Safer Citizens?” theme, with the intervention of Maurizio Gabrielli (Director of the Department of Informatics, Science and Engineering of UniBO) for Bologna.

The event concluded with a round table attended by the top management of the four in-house companies. The day saw the "physical" presence of almost 300 participants at the four set up locations, and reached more than 2 thousand contacts on the streaming channels made available.

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