Within the ER2Digit project, the first series of alerts was launched on November 22nd 2023.
The response was extraordinary, with 22 Public Administrations (PA) submitting 35 applications for services, demonstrating considerable interest in digital innovation.
Among the Test Before Invest services offered by Lepida, IoT for PA stood out as the most requested, followed by Chatbot for PA. Significant attention has also been given to IoT for the vulnerable population, highlighting a growing interest in ensuring the well-being of the most fragile segments of society through sensor monitoring.
Among the requested services, privacy enforcement and valorization of data collecting through specific dashboard were also included.
Lepida, which is well aware of the importance of a secure data management approach, will offer dedicated services in order to guarantee compliance to privacy regulations.
The dashboard that had already been developed will allow PAs to deeply analyze the collected data, improving readability and facilitating informed choices.
Lepida and the project coordinator, ART-ER, are now evaluating the applications that they received and are getting ready to start the adjudication procedures that will allow to start providing the activities as soon as possible, in close collaboration with the institutions to effectively respond to their actual needs.
This first call is just the beginning of a journey that aims to significantly transform public services and the adoption of vanguard digital solutions.