The Lepida Network stems from the integration of different technologies, with the precise aim to reach every Public Administration on the territory (Partners and their connected Bodies), with the best possible performance.
The creation of a joint network in optical fiber for the PA is the original purpose of a process, started in 2002, which drove the Emilia-Romagna Region to invest in this sector, working, at first, on single geographic excerpts which were later unified within a Joint Network. Already by the end of 2016, the Network could provide Bodies with incremented band, and with important changes which led it to be, as of today, a NG Network; 2Gbps are guaranteed on the optical fiber points thanks to the pooling strategy, which allows to offer elevated Internet performances to our Partners by maximizing the number of direct peerings, and enables Operators on the territory to grow and access excellent interexchange points.
Together with the Lepida Network, the Lepida2 Network represents a new connectivity model which is destined to enlarge the set of primary and secondary connectivity services which were previously offered by the Lepida Network.
The South Radio Backbone stems from the necessity to create a radio backbone capable of reaching even the most remote areas with adequate performances; it qualifies as a further asset useful to provide solutions against the Digital Divide.
Lepida is in charge of the design, maintenance, management, implementation, optimization and monitoring of the Regional Radiomobile ERretre Network, a private network for the management of emergencies with better resilience than radiomobile networks on the territory.
Lepida is also in charge of the diffusion of WiFi coverage areas on the regional territory, with the provision of a free service covering areas of interest for the Public Administration. Thanks to the diffusion of the Lepida network, the SSID "EmiliaRomagnaWiFi" provides Ultra Wideband WiFi connection homogeneously and without registration.
Over the years Lepida has developed modalities to enhance the existing infrastructure, with particular attention to reducing the Digital Divide, for citizens and companies. For this activity, Lepida defines agreements with TLC Operators by providing bandwidth or transport at affordable costs, to facilitate growth and guaranteeing increasingly performing services to private partners.